Reframing Resolutions
Have you ever wondered why many of us wind up every year on January first with a new set of goals and aspirations? How often do we make the same commitments and set the same goals, year after year after year?
Set Boundaries, Find Peace.
We all know boundaries are important, yet some of us are better at knowing how and why to set them than others. For those of us who need a bit more guidance, or even those looking to strengthen their boundary-setting knowledge and skills, the instant New York Times bestseller Set Boundaries, Find Peace is a deeply valuable read.
The Art of Taking a Break: How to Reset and Recharge for Success
Our lives are filled with responsibilities, deadlines, and a perpetual stream of information, which leaves little time for us to step back, breathe, and recharge. However, understanding the art of taking a break is essential.
The Gut | Brain Connection & 7 ways you can strengthen your gut microbiome
At a time when mental health illness and disease is at an all-time high, and when processed food adorns most grocery store shelves, the connection may seem clear. Except that for many of us, it isn’t.
Carving Out Time for Your Passion: Nurturing Your Creative Spirit Amidst the Hustle
Letting our passions take a back seat to our daily life can be easy. Often we find ourselves caught up in work, obligations, and responsibilities, leaving little time for the activities that deeply ignite our souls.
Learning to Love the Skin We're In!
Learning to Love the Skin We're In through Embracing Self-Acceptance and Inner Beauty in a world where beauty standards are constantly evolving
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